Links Clans Global Login System Clan Listing - List of all officially registered clans.
Lekky's New Clan Guide - If you're starting up a new clan, read this.
OTB Clan
Arctic Gaming

Match Servers Reserving Match Servers
DP Server Hosting

Resource Sites Digital Paint Resource Site - sk89q's extensive collection of Paintball 2 resources.
OTB FTP Server - Lots of Paintball 2 files (maps, textures, clients, servers, tools, etc.).
BSP Headquarters - BSP is the preferred map editor for Paintball 2. - Great source for open-sourced projects. We use them for our CVS repository.
Mod DB - Database of all kinds of mods.

Links of Active Community Members jitspoe's joint - Lots of little tweaks and add-ons for Paintball 2.

Submit or Correct Links If you wish to submit a new link or you've found a dead link that needs to be fixed or removed, please post in this thread.