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-Basic Client Commands -Advanced Client Commands -Basic Server Settings -Advanced Server Settings ---+ Admin (Op) Commands ---+++ op Makes you an op. Note: debug3 must be set in order to function. see also: debug3 ---+++ cvar_set Sets a cvar on the server. Can also be used to unset a variable if the value is "unset." example: cvar_set sv_gravity 800 example: cvar_set password unset ---+++ grenades Sets the grenade count of a grenade type example: grenades paint 2 ---+++ expert Switches to "expert" mode, where all the weapons are the same. example: expert 8 (sets it to pgp only) ---+++ autojoin Enables/disables autojoin. "Ping" option does not function. example: cmd autojoin off ---+++ rotation Manages map rotation. examples: rotation del blitz rotation add midnight2 rotation save ---+++ newmap Switches the map. example: newmap midnight 1flag ---+++ kck Kicks a player with the given playerid. Use the players command to get the playerids of people. see also: players ---+++ ffire example: cmd ffire on default: off in publicmode, on in matchmode ---+++ viewgib Kills the person in view. ---+++ viewkick Kicks the person in view from the server. ---+++ givewarning Sends a kick warning to the center of a player's screen. example: givewarning 3 ---+++ deopself This removes current op level from yourself. ---+++ login Used to gain operator status on a server. example: login thisisthepassword ---+++ addip Adds an ip to the perm ban list. ---+++ removeip Removes an ip from the perm ban list. ---+++ listip ---+++ writeip Saves the ban list to disk. ---+++ tban This temporary bans a specified client for a specified number of minutes. example: tban 3 999 -- This would ban Player #3 for 999 minutes(maximum). ---+++ removetbans Removes all temporary bans ---+++ publicmode Sets all of the defaults cvars for a public server. ---+++ matchmode Sets all of the default cvars for a match server.
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