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-Advanced Client Commands -Admin Commands -Basic Server Settings -Advanced Server Settings ---+ Basic Client Commands ---+++ empty_co2 Loads the largest unused canister of CO2 you have. see also: dropco2 Default bind: 7 ---+++ dropgun Drops your current weapon if you have something besides the PGP. Default bind: 1 ---+++ +scores Displays the scoreboard. see also: scoresoff,scoreson,scorebg Default bind: F1 ---+++ dropflag Drops any flags you are carrying. Default bind: 8 ---+++ dropco2 Drops the largest unused canister of CO2 you have. see also: empty_co2 Default bind: 4 ---+++ drophopper Drops your current hopper if you have one. Default bind: 3 ---+++ dropbarrel Drops your current barrel if you have one. Default bind: 2 ---+++ dropammo With no parameters, you drop 25 paintballs. You can also specify the size of the ammo you want to drop, either large, medium, small or the exact ammount you want to drop. The ammo dropped gets rounded to the nearest box size (25, 50, 100, 150, or 200). Dropammo large drops the most ammo possible; medium drops about half of your ammo; and small drops 25 paintballs. example: dropammo large see also: dropco2 Default bind: 5 ---+++ dropgren Drops the grenade you're currently carrying. Use this instead of throwing smoke grenades into your own base -- that annoys other players. Default bind: 6 ---+++ id Toggles player id, which shows the name and weapon of the person you're looking at. Default bind: none ---+++ alive Displays the number of people left alive on each team. A rather obsolete command as you can just look at the HUD or scoreboard to see who's alive. Default bind: none ---+++ tossgren Throws whichever grenade you have in your inventory, be it smoke or paint. example: bind g tossgren see also: 1 ---+++ me Like say, only with out the ":" If you use IRC, you'll understand its usage. example: /me feels like chicken tonight! ---+++ join Used to join or switch teams. examples: join red join observer join auto You can also just use the first letter of the team: join r join o ---+++ say Sends a message to the other players. see also: say_team,me,messagemode ---+++ messagemode Prompts you for something to say, and sends in once you hit enter. Default bind: t see also: say ---+++ say_team Sends a message to only your team. example: say_team "I have the flag! No kills!" see also: say,me,messagemode2 ---+++ messagemode2 Like messagemode, but the message you type is sent only to your teammates. see also: say_team
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