Wiki Revision Page "Menu Guide" Revision 14:
---+ Menu Guide
-By Cobo-
please do not change this guide (unless its to make a correction)

---++ Introduction
This is a guide for Digital Paint Paintball2 Menus, What are the Menus? Well, if you dont know, Launch  Digital Paintball Paintball2 and look at your screen, what do you see? everything from top to bottom is a menu, click on the Play option and again from top to bottom a Menu. But where are they? all of them, from the Main Menu to the Scores window that you get on the game are on a folder named Menus(Yes really) and you can find that on \pball\menus\.
So now you want to learn more about Menus? well read on.

---++ Headers
---+++ What are they?
A Header is just the word i use to define the words that define what kind of menu you are making. Get it? No? Yes? Well open up the main_ingame Menu(\pball\menus\main_ingame.txt). What you have here is the menu that you get when you are playing and hit the escape key. now, lets take a look at the text, shall we?
The first line: pb2menu 1. is a must have in your menu, without it when you tried to run your menu you would get an error. so always remember to put it on your menus.
keep reading, and you should find the background header, so what is the background header? its the background! when you dont specify the background (dont write it) then the background will appear like the Main menu, a solid full size backgrouns. when you set the background to none (background none) then the background will be transparent, you can also set it to any image you have in the pics folder, for example menu_bg_ingame is a picture in the pics folder, that background is the one that is a rectangle from left to right. So this pretty mcuh covers backgrounds, so lets move on...
Lets say we want to make our menu resize to its contents then you would change the type to dialog (type dialog) and you would have to set the background to none, otherwise the background would occupy the whole screen.