Wiki Revision Page "Loc Files" Revision 2:
---+ loc Files
---++ What Is It?

A loc (*.loc) file is used to make text recon easier. The way it works is you give a name to an aria, "Red Flag" for example, then you bind a key to tell you where you are or an enemy is. Also, each map uses its own loc file.

---++ Creating The loc File

There are four basic commands you need to know:


The first, cl_drawlocs 1, will draw the locations already saved. Once you type this in you will see gray diamonds on the map, granted that there is a loc file or you have added locations. When you get close to a diamond it will bounce up and down, telling you that it is the closest one. The second command is loc_add, you will use this one the most. It will record locations on the map and put a gray diamond at that location. The third command, loc_save, does the obvious and saves the loc file. If you do not save the file before you quit, all of your work has just gone to waste. The fourth and last command is $loc_here. This one is used to say what location you are closest to.

---++ Step by Step

-Step One
Start a private server, so no one interrupts you, with the map you want to make a loc file for. Once the map loads type "debug1 1" into the console, or "cl_drawhud 0" to remove the "This map requires least: 2 Teams" message.

-Step Two
Type "cl_drawlocs 1" in the console so you can see the locations that are represented by gray diamonds. If you don't see any once you type this in its ok. That just means there is no loc file for this map yet.

-Step Three
Now start naming arias, like "Red Flag", by making a perimeter around it. Type 'loc_add "Red Flag"' where you want the perimeter to be and continue to do so until finished. Keep in mind that you do not have to keep typing in 'loc_add "Red Flag"', once you have typed it in once hit he up arrow key to bring up the last command that you typed.

-Step Four
After you have named all the arias on a map you must save the locations to a .loc file. Do this by typing "loc_save". If there is already a loc file for the map, it will automatically overwrite it. Don't forget to save often just in case something happens or you loose all your work.

-Step Five
Now you must bind a key to tell everyone, or just your teammates, where you are or where the enemy is. To do this bring down the console and type 'bind X "$loc_here;say $loc_here"' or 'bind X "$loc_here;say_team $loc_here"' and replace "X" with the key you wish to bind. Then when ever you press that key you will tell everybody, or just your teammates, where you are.

- Zorchenhimer (12-16-06) -