Wiki Revision Page "scripts" Revision 29:
---+ Usefull Scripts

---++ Zoom Script
---+++ Variation 1
This one zooms in when you press a key and zooms out when you let go of the key.
alias +zoom "fov 30;sensitivity 5"
alias -zoom "fov 90;sensitivity 10"
bind mouse2 +zoom

---+++ Variation 2
This one zooms in when you hit a key then when you hit the key again it will go closer then when you hit the key once again it will go back. You can also bind it to the mousewheel.

alias zoom0 "fov 120; bind f zoom1"
alias zoom1 "fov 70; bind f zoom2"
alias zoom2 "fov 50; bind f zoom0"
bind f zoom1
---+++ Variation 3
This one is bound to the mouse wheel and takes into consideration mouse sensitivity.

bind "MWHEELDOWN" "zoom0"
bind "MWHEELUP" "zoom1"
alias zoom0 "crosshair 16;fov 120;sensitivity 20;bind mwheelup zoom1"
alias zoom1 "crosshair 2;fov 70;sensitivity 10;bind mwheelup zoom2;bind mwheeldown zoom0"
alias zoom2 "fov 50;sensitivity 8;bind mwheelup zoom3;bind mwheeldown zoom1"
alias zoom3 "fov 30;sensitivity 6;bind mwheelup zoom4;bind mwheeldown zoom2"
alias zoom4 "fov 10;sensitivity 4;bind mwheeldown zoom3"
---+++ Variation 4 
This one goes to extremes. (curtesy of {appy Hamper)
bind "l" "ms"
alias -msr "-moveright"
alias +msr "hand 0;+moveright"
alias -msl "-moveleft"
alias +msl "hand 1;+moveleft"
alias ms "bind a +msl;bind d +msr;echo MS;bind l ms2"
alias noms "bind a +moveleft;bind d +moveright;echo MS off;bind l ms;bind mouse3 **to whatever you use mouse3 for normally**"
alias ms2 "bind d +ms2r;bind a +ms2l;echo MS2;bind l ms2x"
alias +ms2r "hand 0;+moveright"
alias -ms2r "hand 2;-moveright"
alias +ms2l "hand 1;+moveleft"
alias -ms2l "hand 2;-moveleft"
alias ms2x "bind d +ms2rr;bind a +ms2rl;echo MS2X;bind l ms3"
alias +ms2rr "hand 1;+moveright"
alias -ms2rr "hand 2;-moveright"
alias +ms2rl "hand 0;+moveleft"
alias -ms2rl "hand 2;-moveleft"
alias ms3 "bind a +ms3l;bind d +ms3r;echo MS3;bind l noms;bind mouse3 ms3"
alias +ms3r "hand 0;+moveright;bind a +moveleft"
alias -ms3r "-moveright"
alias +ms3l "hand 1;+moveleft;bind d +moveright"
alias -ms3l "-moveleft"
Ok pushing "l" (not "I") will put you in MS mode, pushing "l" again is MS2 and so on until you hit "MS off" where it starts over.

MS: you switch hands in the direction you push and stay there until you push the opposite direction.

MS2: you will be center-handed while not moving left or right.  Pressing a direction will change hands to that direction until you stop moving again.

MS2X: same as MS2 except when you move R you shoot L...

MS3: probably the least practical, but pushing mouse3 will set your hand to the next direction you push and will stay there until you push mouse3 again.

---++ Demo Fast-Forward
This script allows you to fast forward demos, at least until this feature is implemented into the game.

bind kp_plus +demoff
alias +demoff "set timedemo 1"
alias -demoff "set timedemo 0"
---++ Double Jump
This is for those who have a hard time double jumping.
bind "SPACE" "+dj"
alias +dj "+moveup;10waits;-moveup;10waits;+moveup;10waits"
alias -dj "-moveup"
alias 10waits "wait;wait;wait;wait"