Wiki Revision Page "Commands and Settings" Revision 2:
---+ Commands and Settings
---++ Basic Client Commands
---+++ empty_co2
Loads the largest unused canister of CO2 you have.
see also: dropco2
Default bind: 7
---+++ dropgun
Drops your current weapon if you have something besides the PGP.
Default bind: 1
---+++ +scores
Displays the scoreboard.
see also: scoresoff,scoreson,scorebg
Default bind: F1
---+++ dropflag
Drops any flags you are carrying.
Default bind: 8
---+++ dropco2
Drops the largest unused canister of CO2 you have.
see also: empty_co2
Default bind: 4
---+++ drophopper
Drops your current hopper if you have one.
Default bind: 3
---+++ dropbarrel
Drops your current barrel if you have one.
Default bind: 2
---+++ dropammo
With no parameters, you drop 25 paintballs.  You can also specify the size of the ammo you want to drop, either large, medium, small or the exact ammount you want to drop.  The ammo dropped gets rounded to the nearest box size (25, 50, 100, 150, or 200).  Dropammo large drops the most ammo possible; medium drops about half of your ammo; and small drops 25 paintballs.
example: dropammo large
see also: dropco2
Default bind: 5
---+++ dropgren
Drops the grenade you're currently carrying.  Use this instead of throwing smoke grenades into your own base -- that annoys other players.
Default bind: 6
---+++ id
Toggles player id, which shows the name and weapon of the person you're looking at.
Default bind: none
---+++ alive
Displays the number of people left alive on each team.  A rather obsolete command as you can just look at the HUD or scoreboard to see who's alive.
Default bind: none
---+++ tossgren
Throws whichever grenade you have in your inventory, be it smoke or paint.
example: bind g tossgren
see also: 1
---+++ me
Like say, only with out the ":"  If you use IRC, you'll understand its usage.
example: /me feels like chicken tonight!
---+++ join
Used to join or switch teams.
join red
join observer
join auto
You can also just use the first letter of the team:
join r
join o
---+++ say
Sends a message to the other players.
see also: say_team,me,messagemode
---+++ messagemode
Prompts you for something to say, and sends in once you hit enter.
Default bind: t
see also: say
---+++ say_team
Sends a message to only your team.
example: say_team "I have the flag!  No kills!"
see also: say,me,messagemode2
---+++ messagemode2
Like messagemode, but the message you type is sent only to your teammates.
see also: say_team
---++ Advanced Client Commands
---+++ help
same as score (left in for backwards compatibility)
see also: score
---+++ scoresoff
see also: score,scoreson
---+++ scoreson
see also: score,scoresoff
---+++ vote
---+++ wave
---+++ position
Desplays your x,y,z location.
---+++ kill
Kills yourself.  Note: debug3 must be set in order to function.
see also: debug3
---+++ sv_info
---+++ funname
---+++ cmdhelp
---+++ chasemode
---+++ camera
Follows a player when you're dead
---+++ chasemode_next
---+++ chasemode_prev
---+++ flagstatus
Displays current status of all flags.  If it is at home or if someone is carrying it. 
---+++ nextspawn
Displays the time left until your next teammate respawns.
---+++ gameversion
Displays the version and build number of Paintball II.
---+++ timeleft
Displays the ammount of time left before the end of the match.
---+++ jail
If enabled, you go to the map's jail when you die, instead of temp-observing.
Needs to be map-enabled, too.
Default: 1
---+++ noclip
Switches the observer mode to "noclip" so you can float around and pass through walls.
Default bind: n
---+++ verbose
Switches the display of messages when you pickup or drop items such as markers, ammo, etc.
---+++ scorebg
Toggles the background image for the scoreboard on and off.  Obsolete.
---+++ menu
Opens the menu specified.
Example menu main
---+++ maplist
Lists the maps currently in rotation on a server.
see also: players,votemap
---+++ votemap
Places a vote for a map and optionally a game mode.  Game modes include elim, ctf, 1flag, siege, koth.
Example: votemap snip_pb1 1flag
---+++ names
Lists the players currently on the server.
see also: players
---+++ players
Lists the players currently on the server.
see also: names
---+++ topspeed
Displays the top speed obtained on a map, and who went that fast.
see also: speedometer
---+++ speedometer
Replaces the ammo count with your current speed (in miles per hour).
see also: topspeed
---++ Admin (Op) Commands
---+++ op
Makes you an op.  Note: debug3 must be set in order to function.
see also: debug3
---+++ cvar_set
Sets a cvar on the server.  Can also be used to unset a variable if the value is "unset."
example: cvar_set sv_gravity 800
example: cvar_set password unset
---+++ grenades
Sets the grenade count of a grenade type
example: grenades paint 2
---+++ expert
Switches to "expert" mode, where all the weapons are the same.
example: expert 8 (sets it to pgp only)
---+++ autojoin 
Enables/disables autojoin.  "Ping" option does not function.
example: cmd autojoin off
---+++ rotation 
Manages map rotation.
rotation del blitz
rotation add midnight2
rotation save
---+++ newmap  
Switches the map.
example: newmap midnight 1flag
---+++ kck 
Kicks a player with the given playerid.  Use the players command to get the playerids of people.
see also: players
---+++ ffire 
example: cmd ffire on
default: off in publicmode, on in matchmode
---+++ viewgib
Kills the person in view.
---+++ viewkick
Kicks the person in view from the server.
---+++ givewarning
Sends a kick warning to the center of a player's screen.
example: givewarning 3
---+++ deopself
This removes current op level from yourself.
---+++ login
Used to gain operator status on a server.
example: login thisisthepassword
---+++ addip
Adds an ip to the perm ban list.
---+++ removeip
Removes an ip from the perm ban list.
---+++ listip
---+++ writeip
Saves the ban list to disk.
---+++ tban
This temporary bans a specified client for a specified number of minutes.
example: tban 3 999 -- This would ban Player #3 for 999 minutes(maximum).
Warning: There is currently no command to remove temporary bans before they have expired, as such the server must be restarted.
---+++ publicmode
Sets all of the defaults cvars for a public server.
---+++ matchmode
Sets all of the default cvars for a match server.

---++ Basic Server Settings
---+++ display_commands
Displays all the commands passed by players to the console; useful for debugging and finding out who is abusing certain commands.
default: 0
---+++ tripping
Causes players who are moving too fast from strafe-jumping to stop suddenly. An ugly thing. Do not use.
default: 0
---+++ elim
Time (in seconds) players stay eliminated before reentering the game.  When set to 0, they stay eliminated until the round is over.
default: 60
---+++ fraglimit
Number of points a team must reach to win the map.
default: 50
---+++ timelimit
Time (in minutes) before the map ends.
default: 20
---+++ ffire
Friendly fire (allow teammates to shoot each other).
default: 0
---+++ debug1
Number of "pretend" players on each team.  Used for testing maps without other players present.
default: 0
---+++ debug3
default: 0
---+++ debug4
default: 0
---+++ motdfile
Text file to use for the message of the day when people connect.
---+++ chasecamonly
This forces players to be forced to chasecam only their own team.
default: 0 on publicmode, 1 on matchmode
see also: publicmode,matchmode
---+++ rot_file
File containing the list of maps for rotation.
---+++ rot_type
---+++ rot_force
broken, don't use it
default: 0
---+++ grenadeffire
Grenade friendly fire.  When enabled, grenades can kill teammates.
default: 1
---+++ sl_logging?
---+++ port
Server port.
Default: 27910
---+++ hostname
Name of the server displayed in server browsers.
---+++ ctfmode
Sets the gameplay mode for a map.
set ctfmode -1 // standard elimination
set ctfmode 0  // deathmatch
set ctfmode 1  // whiteflag/centerflag/1-flag ctf
set ctfmode 2  // standard ctf (one or more flags/bases per team)
set ctfmode 3  // Siege mode.
set ctfmode 4  // KOTH (king of the hill) mode.
default: 2
---+++ autojoin
default: normal
---+++ password
Password required to connect to the server.
default: -unset-
---+++ passwordtimeout
Time, in minutes, before the password gets wiped out on an empty server.  Useful for servers that are used for both public and match games.
default: -unset-
---+++ deathmatch
Must be set to 1 in order to run a server.
---+++ dedicated
If set to 1, the server runs in dedicated mode.  This is more reliable than "listen" mode, where the server is also a client.
default: 0
---+++ public
Must be set to 1 in order to send heartbeats to the serverlist.  Set this to 1 before everything else in the command line if you want the server to be added to the list.  Server must be run in dedicated mode for this to apply.
default: 0
---+++ sv_gravity
default: 800
---+++ sv_maxvelocity
If set too low, the ball flight messes up.  Set it to 4096 (at least).
---+++ maxclients
Number of clients who can play on the server.
default: 4?
---+++ allow_download
Allows players to download files from the server; must be set to 1 if you want to allow custom skins.
default: 1
---+++ allow_download_players
Allows players to download custom player models and skins; must be set to 1 if you want to allow custom skins.
---+++ idle
Time (in seconds) before a player gets knocked into observer for not moving.
default: 60
---+++ maxrate
default: 5000
---+++ SmokeGrens
Sets the number of smoke grenades that spawn in each base at the round start.
default: 1
see also: PaintGrens
---+++ PaintGrens
Sets the number of paint grenades that spawn in each base at the round start.
default: 2
see also: SmokeGrens
---+++ allow_match
If enabled (set to 1), players can use the "match" command to initiate a private match.
default: 0
---++ Advanced Server Settings
---+++ override_defaults
This must be set to override the standard settings for ball flight, etc.
default: 0
---+++ real_ball_flight
default: 1
---+++ ball_speed
The base speed at which the balls fly from the gun.
default: 2790
---+++ ball_addplayerspeed
Adds the player velocity to the balls (if you are running forward, your balls go faster... that sounded bad)
default: 1
---+++ ball_life
Time (in seconds) balls exist in the world before being removed.  It's fun to dink around with this locally, but don't change the value for public servers as it can cause a lot of lag.
default: 2
---+++ slowballsbounce
If on, balls that have slowed down due to traveling long distances or traveling through water, will bounce off of things instead of splatting.
default: 1
---+++ bouncy
If activated, balls will bounce off of anything but players.  It's like playing paintball with super bounce balls!
default: 0
---+++ gren_addplayerspeed
If activated, the thrower's velocity is added to the grenade tossed.  This allows players more control over the speed/distance grenades can be tossed.
default: 1
---+++ pbgren_bursts
Sets the number of bursts (one per server frame, or 1/10th of a second) a grenade has.
default: 7
---+++ pbgren_ballsperburst
Sets the number of paintballs fired out per burst.
default: 10
---+++ waterfriction
If activated, balls and other entities that enter water will be slowed down significantly.
default: 1
---+++ bounceback
Controls the ammount of bounce objects have; if set higher than the default, bouncy balls can act kind of like flubber. :)
default: 1.5
see also: bouncy
---+++ cmdfloodprotect?
---+++ floodprotect?
---+++ item_addplayerspeed
Adds the player velocity to items dropped, so you can "toss" your inventory.  Unfortunately it didn't work well because it ends up landing right in front of you so you pick it up again, and thus was disabled immediately after creation.
default: 0
---+++ smokegren_pufftype
Obsolete.  Do not change.  Selects the temp ent effect for the smoke grenades.  The default value is required for the standalone client smoke effect.
---+++ numpasses?
Number of op passwords, or logins, on the server, to be used by oppass# and oppass#level
default: 5
---+++ oppass1 - oppass
Passwords to be used by the login command.  When a user logs in with an oppass, the user's op level is set to the corresponding oppass#level.
default: _unset_
---+++ oppass1level - oppasslevel
The op levels that correspond to oppass# logins.
default: _unset_
---+++ instant_item_spawn
Spawn all items instantly on round start.  Not recommended as it may cause overflows.
default: 0
---+++ instant_spawn
Spawn all players at the same time.  This is a lag reducer, but is no longer necessary now that most overflow issues have been resolved.
default: 1 (0 on older servers)
---+++ flagcapendsround
When enabled, the round instantly ends upon a flag capture.
default: 1 (with 1.8x servers, 0 on older servers)
---+++ TimeElapsed?
---+++ nohud
---+++ gren_explodeonimpact
Makes grenades explode as soon as they hit something.
default: 1
---+++ grensounds
Makes the paint grenade have a single sound upon impact as opposed to splat sounds for every ball that is shot out (reduces lag a lot).
default: 1
---+++ pbgren_smoketrail
Enable smoke trail effect on paint grenades.
default: 0 (on?)
---+++ PaintGrenSpawns?
---+++ lowlag
Obsolete.  Used to reduce lag by using Quake2 temp entities instead of paintball sounds.
default: 0
---+++ SmokeGrenSpawns?
---+++ _scores, scores
Used to display the scores within server browsers.  Do not modify.
---+++ pr,py,pp,pb
Used to display the players on each team in server browsers.  Do not modify.
---+++ soundteam?
---+++ match?
---+++ cursing?
---+++ deadtalk
If activated, the eliminated players can communicate with the living players, otherwise they can only talk amongst themselves and listen to what the living say. (They can also follow players and give recon to their team. Remember that. -eiii)
default: 0
---+++ glmod_limit
Limits the gl_modulate value of clients.  This only applies to clients using the non-standalone Quake2 mod.
default: 4
---+++ glmod_punish?
default: 1
---+++ snaz_bot
default: 0
---+++ filterban?
---+++ OneTimeInit
Used internally.  Do not modify.
---+++ log_ip?
---+++ maxentities
default: 1024
---+++ guntemp_inc?
guntemp_inc - # the bar increases per shot
default: 11
set to 0 to disable
---+++ guntemp_dec?
guntemp_dec - # the number the bar decreases per frame (1/10th of a second)
default: 4
set to 0 to disable