Using Fun Names in Digital Paint           
Digital Paint has full fun name support. We also have added some console characters and have a online Fun Name Maker available. Zlrboda has put together this tutorial on how to make your own fun name

If you have ever played Quake 1, you must be familiar with funnames. In case you haven't, I'll explain. Funnames are pretty much what the sound like. They are your Quake name, with a little twist. For example, you might  have the letters of your name a different color, or a "splat" of paintball in between the name. You get the point. Well anyway, I have put together a little tutorial on how to make a funname. 

The first thing you're going to need to do is go to q2name.html in a new window. Now, once you're there, you should see a little image map thing with different characters and symbols on it (should look like the one below)

 Click on the characters and symbols you wish to appear in your name (25 max.) Now, once you have done that, you should see characters like ÇÈÐÑ, or of  that nature near the bottom. If you see these characters, highlight them and copy. After this, click on "my computer", go into your quake directory (usually  C:\Quake2) then go to the pball directory. After you are there, right click and create a new  text document. Now you should be in notepad. From here on its easy. All you need to do in notepad is type :  funname "paste your copied text here" That's all, (note: quotes must be there  in order to work) The last and most important thing you need to do is save it  as a special file. I would reccomend saving it as name.cfg. In order to get it  as a .cfg file, you must save it as "name.cfg" using quotes. This is what it should look like

Finally you're done. Now all you need to do in order to have your funname work is type in: exec name.cfg in the menu when you're on a Digital Paintball. (to access the menu type ~) From here on, your funname should work. Hope this helped ya!

Thanks to Zlrboda

Updated 8:19 AM 3/6/2004 to fix links.