Congratulations to the Ion Storm crew for finally getting it done. (I think so, anyway - it hasn't finished downloading yet.) April 17th, 2000PearlSlam is Back!Dunno if you remember all the great servers Pearl used to run, but he's started up a new one at, so go check it out. It's on the server list and stuff, so you don't have to copy/paste it from here. :) April 11th, 2000PausedI figure I'd let you guys know. Due to my very limited free time, progress on q3pball is near standstill. I still plan to do it, but school has to come first. Maybe on spring break I can finish up the code.
So, now comes the part where I'm flooded with emails of people who want me to send them what I have so they can work on it, or where they ask what needs to be done...
No, I'm not passing my work off to someone else at this point, and the only thing the general public should spend any time on if they want to do anything is: Cool q3 pball maps.
As for a q3 pball release, I've decided I'm going to take a slow and thorough[sp] approach, starting sometime later. Go play some counterstrike or something. =) April 10th, 2000News ArchiveOK, sorry about the slow archives (and the fact that some of the later months weren't listed). I converted them all to html files so they should load fine now, and all the months are there too :) March 30th, 2000Pick.Okay cheaters, take your pick. Q2 aim bots, or q3dp.