News Archive
October `98 - September `98
August `98 - July `98
POTD Archive

July 6th, 1999Linux/Solaris builds
Alita SkinsOkay, because of the CONTINUAL complaining about alita skins, I've re-touched em to make the colors on em a LOT BRIGHTER.  This'll help a lot, and if you all still feel like whining and bitching, copy a different model/skin set over the alita model/skin set.  OKAY????? =)

Grab (

As for linux and solaris, those builds "work like a charm" from what i've heard.  I know that Plastic has had problems running the Linux build on Redhat, so Sad & Ezrith are on the prowl bughuntin.  The "problems" with the linux build, as I enumerated were non-existant, but rather a little hack that Sad & Ezrith put together for some fun, and spiff was hosting.  You HAVE to try it.  Too much fun. =)

Grab (v1.53_solaris-sparc.tar.gz)
Grab (v1.53_linux-i386.tar.gz)

July 5th, 1999I M BackOkay, I'm back from vacation. Had fun.

I hopped on a server and have noticed a couple problems already.

DaveW's servers are all running 1.52 instead of 1.53...
Linux builds have grenade problems and firing rate problems (not burstfire... this is more entertaining)
Alita skins are WAY too dark for normal play.
A skin cheat bug has been found thanks in part to a certian cheater on the servers who shall remain nameless, whom I asked to stop cheating repeatedly but did not... 
People complain wayyyyyy too much.

Once again, the solairs and linux build are made, HOWEVER, because of the bugs, I do NOT reccomend the linux or solaris build for public use yet.  I will get on top of it ASAP and try to get it fixed.  (If anyone finds Ezrith, point him towards me)

Server ops running Win9x/WinNT version 1.52 or earlier, please go to the LATEST FILES link and download the latest verison.

July 1st, 1999VacationsWelp, as most of you probably aready didn't know you didn't know, Calrathan and I are both out on vacation (funny that they both ended up being at almost the exact same time).  I'm doing this news update about 15 hours away from my house in IL.  It was impossible to update last night because my mouse and keyboard decided to stop functioning.  I was also planning on doing a new poll, but I guess that will have to wait 'till next week.  If you want the June news, go here.  Don't expect any updates or anything for a while :)  We'll be back in a week or so.  Oh, and if you want to email me, send it to, as that is the only mail account I'll be checking this week.
June 30th, 1999Vacation - Linux/SolarisOkay, i hit a button when i dont think i shoulda, so there might be a bad update.  Jit, fix it if you want to (if it messed up).

In 5 min I walk out the door, i'll be gone until tuesday next week.  My sister is moving down to North Carolina for good and for some reason i need to go too.

Anyways, Ezrith and Sad have gotten the linux/solaris builds DONE (so i hear)  I dont have time to comment on them, but here are the links.

IF THE FILES ARENT THERE YET, DON'T PANIC.  Just ask jitspoe on (#paintball) and he'll fill you in. (Passing all the llamas to you for a day jit)


EVERYONE BUG THE TCA ADMINISTRATER TO GET THIS! IT SHOULD FIX BURST FIRE!  I'll explain it all when i get back as well as take bug reports, flames, and kicks in the rear end. Thanks all.

Vacation - Linux/SolarisOkay, i hit a button when i dont think i shoulda, so there might be a bad update.  Jit, fix it if you want to.

In 5 min I walk out the door, i'll be gone until tuesday next week.  My sister is moving down to North Carolina for good and for some reason i need to go too.

Anyways, Ezrith and Sad have gotten the linux/solaris builds DONE (so i hear)  I dont have time to comment on them, but here are the links.


EVERYONE BUG THE TCA ADMINISTRATER TO GET THIS! IT SHOULD FIX BURST FIRE!  I'll explain it all when i get back as well as take bug reports, flames, and kicks in the rear end. Thanks all.

(If they aint there yet, jit'll get them there as soon as he can)

Server version 1.53, More on Linux/SolarisOkay, it seems that something I did while poking around looking for the name-crash bug that I fixed with server release 1.52(build 73), made names get lost somehow.  I scanned over the code which I belived would be the source of the problem, and I couldnt find it.  So, I just took source from the previous build (72) and compiled version 1.53(build 74) with that code.  Seems to work fine.

Grab it here: v1.53_win9x,

Ya ya ya, this is a new filearea format for DP.  It's under construction so bear with us.  Check out the main download page here.  Jitspoe and I need to get this hosted on PQ< and hopefully he can apply his "artistic talent" to the html and make it look SNAZZY.  I wish I had artistic talent. =(  Go look here:

Main File List
All Builds of DP

I've been colaborating with Ezrith and Sad on the Linux/Solaris builds respectivly, and together we've nailed the cause of burst fire on the Linux servers!  Also, we're slowly getting proper portability in the code, with compiler defines containing proper function calls for the different platforms/compilers.

June 29th, 1999SplatterZoneWvSoulja and some others have gotten SplatterZone set up with a nice page 'n stuff.  Check it out here.

News Archive
October `98 - September `98
August `98 - July `98
POTD Archive