July 8th, 201820 Year Anniversary Approaching!The first publicly playable version of Paintball 2 was released on July 31 1998. The 20-year anniversary is just around the corner! Since July 31 2018 is not on the weekend, feel free to jump on the servers at any time for some casual pub play. On the next Saturday, August 4th, we'll try to do some more organized events. If there's anything you'd like to see happen on that date, let us know on the forums!
For any mappers out there, we're also holding a mapping competition, so dust off those old Quake2 level editors and make something cool! January 24th, 2018Old School Player ReunionIt's been a while since we've gathered all the players from the early days together to catch up and play some games. Did you play this game several years ago? Come join us on Saturday, February 3rd, as we scrape off the rust and try to play again, or just hang out and chat!
Get on Discord and/or IRC around 3:00PM Eastern until whenever and have some fun!
Join the forum discussion for more details. November 16th, 2016Discord ServerJMR set up a Discord server for us, so if you prefer Discord over IRC, be sure to click this link to join the Discord server! Discord allows for both text and voice chatting. Servers Back Up (Obviously)Forgot to make a post indicating that the server was fixed. That happened shortly after it went down. Fortunately, the hard drive was fine, so no data was lost! June 13th, 2016DPLogin Server & Forums DownThe machine running the servers for the login service, server list, and forums appears to have had some sort of hardware failure or some other technical issue and is not responding. I've contacted the hosting service and they're trying to diagnose the problem. I'm not sure when it will be back up. Worst case, we may need to set up a new server and some data will be lost. August 25th, 2015Paintball 2 Build 41 Released!I apologize for the lack of updates. I've been so busy with work and other things that it's hard to find even an hour here and there to work on this game, and rewriting the bot library from scratch was fairly involved, making it difficult to put out an intermediate release. Everything seems to be stable now, though, so I'm releasing what I've got! There's still a fair bit to do, but at least the bots are playable now. They just don't handle some objectives, ladders, commands, and may get stuck from time to time.
Full release notes:
- Feature: New bots (WIP). - Command: "demo_playernumber" allows you to specify which player to chase when viewing demos (very rough right now). 12:39 AM 2/5/2015, 1:40 AM 4/4/2015 - Bugfix: Fixed a crash loading maps with over 32k surfaces. 2:56 AM 11/1/2013 - Bugfix: Fixed jpeg loading code so it supports EXIF as well as JFIF formats. 2:05 AM 12/12/2013 - Bugfix: Fixed scoreboard not displaying on first key press after being closed with the console or ESC. 12:15 AM 1/7/2014 - Bugfix: Fixed issue with dalogs showing up as an error about not being able to find menus/dialog.txt. 12:21 AM 8/9/2014 - Bugfix: Made rcon command behave more like expected with multiple parameters and fixed potential exploits. 2:23 AM 1/10/2015 - Bugfix: Fixed possible security hole. 10:42 PM 3/27/2015 - Bugfix: Fixed for failed downloads due to backslashes. (Thanks, xrichardx). - Bugfix: Fixed possible crash in custom menu files. (Thanks, xrichardx). - Tweak: Tweaked min and max rate values to be higher. 12:48 AM 1/21/2014 - Tweak: Added 2560x1440 resolution support. 10:47 PM 5/18/2014 - Tweak: Added 50% black background to dialogs to make them easier to read/more obvious that you couldn't click buttons behind them. 12:24 AM 8/9/2014 - Tweak: Defaulted m_rawinput to 1, so mice will use raw input by default (on Windows). 2:24 AM 1/10/2015 - Tweak: Projects converted to and now compiled with Visual Studio 2010. 1:39 PM 1/19/2015 - Cvar: "gl_colorpolycount" - color codes the different polycounts of each brush face (red, green, blue, yellow, purple, grey, for 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8+ sides). Only works offline ("deathmatch" must be 0). - Cvar: "vid_borderless" - Allows for borderless windowed mode when set to 1. 10:54 PM 2/26/2014 - Cvar: "vid_resx" and "vid_resy" can set custom resolutions if "gl_mode" is set to "-1" (Thanks, xrichardx) - Cvar: "timestamp_date" - if set to 1, logs will include the full date on each line. (Thanks, xrichardx) - Media: Higher resolution textures are now included by default.
Game library changes: - Stopped players from warping/lerping to respawn locations. 8:58 PM 10/20/2013 - Support for new bot library. - Disabled autobalance at the end of matches (to remove autobalance spam). 12:10 AM 1/7/2014 - Added "showspawns" command for map debugging. 12:58 PM 1/12/2014 - Added confirmation message to "nextmap" command. 1:29 AM 1/20/2014 - Revamped name changing code: - Players are renamed instead of getting kicked for using registered names. 11:47 PM 1/20/2014 - Clan tags are stripped instead of kicking players that aren't in the clan. - sv_login values between 1 and 2 (ex 1.5) still use old kicking behavior, in case server admins have issues with the new system. - Fixed an issue that could let players play with registered names. 12:08 AM 1/21/2014
Run to the Downloads page to grab the latest version (note, since there are a lot of data changes, there is no patch. The patch would be almost as large as the full install. Just install the full version over your existing install to update). Visit the forums to post your feedback. The International 2015 TournamentGameZET is running a 3v3 tournament on Saturday, September 5th. If you've been itching for some competitive play, be sure to sign up! Visit this forum thread for more details.