March 10th, 1999ArenaBall for DownloadThe ArenaBall map I made is now available for public download. It's a small single flag speedball map (It was POTD a couple days ago). You can get it here. March 7th, 1999Jitspoe's HomepageWoohoo! Even better than a .plan! I've got a homepage now. A few people suggested it, and now I've finally decided to make a page I could call my own :) It'll have news and stuff so you can find out about all the... interesting... things I do in my life besides Digital Paint. There will be some paintball stuff in there too, of course, but it's mostly events on the RealLife(tm) (altho it's starting to become difficult to distingush between RealLife(tm) and the rest of it...) Please note that most of it isn't done, and it will probably remain that way for some time unless there's a lot of inspiration to finish it :) Check it out here. March 6th, 1999PBCL OpensPBCL (PaintBall Central League) is up. It's not complete, but DaveMan2 is hard at work on it. Check it out here. March 4th, 1999New MapUgh, I couldn't stand it anymore. Today I shoved all my schoolwork aside and made a map. It's a very small single flag speedball map for pb2x's tourny which I think he's holding on the 10th. I don't know how laggy it'll be, but I wouldn't put too many people in it... Good luck to those who participate :) March 3rd, 1999QERadiant SupportDave (Bargle) put together an entity definition file for all of you who use QERadiant. You can get it in the files section. Thanks Dave! New MonthOops, sorry about that. If you're wondering what happened to the news the past couple days, it was automatically archived. If you missed something, you can check it out here.