News Archive
October `98 - September `98
August `98 - July `98
POTD Archive

April 7th, 1999New Websites!An ultimate sign of activity in a mod is new websites to support it. This week we have seen several new websites pop up for Digital Paint. The first is Pearlslam's Paint Zone which is a site devoted to his servers. The next is the Paint Stop a news site, as well as the return of the Paintball Player News. Also new this week is Digital Demos and the World Paintball League. All of these sites plus many more, including clan webpages can be found in the Links section.
Site UpdatesI did some work on the site today, including updating several pages. I added more links to the links section as well as added Smokeya's Digital Paint #1 server back to the server list. I also updated the DPcon list of attendees. If you would like to attend DPcon please head on over to the DPcon page and sign up so I can get an idea of how many people will be able to come.
April 3rd, 1999Splatcon Pics Found!Splatcon was the first Paintball Quake Lan party held back on July 3rd-5th last year. With the breakup of Splat the pictures from the event were lost. However with the recent announcement of DPcon2, Mallrat a former Splat member was reminded that he had the Splatcon pictures on his computer and has emailed them to me. Since Splatcon is part of the history of the current DPcon, I have added them to the DPcon page. Most the pictures seem to have a problem with quality however you can see pictures from the same field that we will play at for DPcon2. Click here for a glimpse at the past.
New Servers!Recently I have been emailed by a few new server admins, and returning server admins. I updated the Servers.txt and Servers.html today to include all the latest servers. We are now back up to 15 servers again. Hopefully we can still get more, but at the moment we atleast have enough to fully support the mod again
Digital Paint Booth!Recently as the Indoor Championship, Pursuit Support provided a small lan for Paintball players to experience the Digital version of their loved game. I am told the response was overwhelming and it was one of the biggest attractions. The booth is mentioned in the most recent publication of Paintball News. Here is the word from the organizer of the event.

Digital Paint was the buzz of the whole Indoor Championships. We were set up so that the tournament games were being played right in front of you while you played DP. There were 15 to 20 people crowded around the PC's the entire time, and all of our sponsors are highly interested in using DP as a tool. More people were at the DP setup than at any other booth. We could have sold 100 CD's of DP if we had had 'em. We didn't charge anything for the people to play, and players were coming off the field and challenging each other to a DP game with their actual paintball gear still on! There are a couple paragraphs about it in the latest issue of the magazine Paintball News.  I write for them too by the way.

April 1st, 1999150,000 Hits!Today we reached 150,000 hits to the page. This page has been up, I believe, since July. Which means we should be on pace to reach 200,000 hits in our first year. Thank you to Pearlslam who grabbed the screen shot above of the milestone. And thank you to everyone who visits the Digital Paint page.
DPcon 2 Typo DOH!I made a typo on the March 31st news about DPcon 2. The actual date of the Lan Party will be July 10th and 11th, a Saturday and Sunday. The error has been corrected(hopefully every place I made it) and I am sorry for the confusion.
News ArchivedWith a new month comes a clean slate for news. You can access the March news by clicking below. And no, this isn't an April Fools Joke, I actually did archive the news =)

March 31st, 1999DPcon 2!DPcon 2 will be held this summer on July 10th and 11th in Greenbelt Maryland at the Courtyard by Marriot. We are aiming to have 50 people attend the event which will cost $28 dollars for pre-registered and $32 at the door. Events planned include outdoor paintball at Outdoor Adventure (Home of Bad Company) as well as Digital Paint Tournaments. Registration is now open at the DPcon page. The last DPcon was a great success, don't miss your opportunity to attend an even grander affair. More details will be announced once they are finalized.
March 30th, 1999Lan Parties!I have contacted Vortac of ICE and preliminary plans for DPcon 2 are being made. We expect to hold the event this summer either in late June or early July. You can expect to have just as much fun if not more as we did at the original. More information will be announced as soon as I have it. ICE is also hosting another Lan Party coming up this April 10th-11th at the Greenbelt Maryland Courtyard by Marriot, the same location of DPcon. If anyone is interested please head on over to their page. Another Lan Party of much importance swiftly approaching is S8NSSON's atLANta Fest to be held April 17th and 18th. S8N will be hosting that party just outside of Atlanta. Mortal Funk has also announced a Paintball Lan Party to be held this summer which will most likely include Digital Paint as well.
New Map ReleasesAs always our 3rd party map makers have been hard at work. Recenty released maps include Indoor Rush by Zimbu, THOD by Ruiner, and Icecap by Bogleg. All of these maps and many more are available for download at the Clan Smurf FTP hosted by Fembot. Once again thank you to all the map makers for supporting Digital Paint, and to Fembot for so graciously serving the files.
TCA Server vote!One of Digital Paint's most stable servers may soon be leaving us. LordZ sends word that with the future release of Team Fortress Classic, TCA will be reducing the number of Quake2 servers they can operate. They are holding a vote on their page to determine which servers will continue to operate. Please go here to show your support for paintball. Sadly good servers are hard to come by right now, and I am sure we would all hate to lose another.

News Archive
October `98 - September `98
August `98 - July `98
POTD Archive