May 10th, 1999version 1.0 final ALPHA buildAs of now, the pre-release version of the final is on Pearlslam's many servers in order to allow us to tailor this final version to the server admininstrator.
I HIGHLY RECCOMEND THIS SITE. It has a lot of good content, and is the most updated of all the paintball sites (as far as I know) Have fun with it.
May 9th, 1999News from the DPL StaffThe DPL has put the League together and and is now ready for action. The schedule for the League is up here for the participating clans. The League will kick off May 17th and last to July 4th to 11th. After that the single elimination playoffs begin to decide the League champions. For any other information about the league go here or in the channel #Dpl. May 5th, 1999Newbie IRC ChannelKnacK has set up an IRC channel for all the newcomers to DP Paintball2. It's #dpnewbie on GameNode. For all of you new to IRC, you can get on by grabbing mIRC, then typing /server then /join #dpnewbie. You can also click on the chat link to the right and set "dpnewbie" to be the channel. May 3rd, 1999News From the PPN TeamPaintball Player News is still alive but has moved to Their new members are Scythe (Founder), DaKillaz (co-founder), Oddjob, SomeBadAss, and a new recruit, M4t, who did the new main logo. The site will be renovated in the next few weeks. It will be hosting a 1on1 Tourney(DM) (more news will be available soon) and contain new sections such as Recruitment Places and a Message Board. If you have any other suggestions, give the PPN team a shoot on GameNode in #ppn. May 1st, 1999Back in the Swing of ThingsYeah... I've been kinda "slacking off" with DP stuff lately. I've been pretty busy with school and RealLife(tm), but this weekend I got some stuff done (see potd). I'm gonna try to finish up all the models this weekend (PGP 'n stuff) and maybe work on some mapping. The final release should be nice and purty :) Clan CentralPearlSlam is in the final stages of getting Clan Central ready for public use. He has posted a survey at that each clan's primary leader (the top dog from each clan) needs to fill out. This information will then be used to notify each clan leader on how to create their clan and begin using Clan Central to manage their clan activities. Clan Central's doors are expected to open by the beginning of next week if all goes well. This also depends on that survey being filled out in a timely fashion! :)