August 15th, 1999Paintball File DepotThe Paintball File Depot is up for business. It has... lots of paintball files! :) Check it out if you have any paintball file needs. August 10th, 1999Brighter Skins for FemalesYeah, just about everyone's complained about the skins being too dark, esp. on Alita. I've done a lot of touchups to them to make 'em look better, and more importantly, brighter. It also puts all the weapon skins in the correct palette. You can grab the new skins here or in the files section. Extract the files into yout quake2\pball directory. August 6th, 1999Jit's Connection (Sorta) FixedWelp, I installed new drivers for my *gag sputter puke* win*cough, ick*modem and it's doing much nicer now. I get pings that generally stay in the 3-digit range (rather than 4+), so you might see me playing on some of the servers every once and a while. W00P. August 5th, 1999Last Month's NewsIf you wan't July's news, click here. July 20th, 1999Files SectionOk... sorry about the delay. The files section now contains all the up-to-date files. So if you still have the giant, white, tripple-layer dildo as your pgp, go get the 1.51 upgrade :)