News Archive
October `98 - September `98
August `98 - July `98
POTD Archive

November 24th, 1998New Maps!Woah! It looks like the Digital Paint 3rd party map makers have been working over time. Today I have 3 more new maps to tell you about. First is Arctic made by Fryth, you can download it here. Next is PaintWorld by a newbie to the DP map making scene Own3d. You can download paintworld here. And finally Zimbu has released his map Warzone. You can download Warzone here. All of these new maps will be added to the files section once Smokeya or I have a chance. Great work on the maps guys and keep it up!
November 23rd, 1998Thunder Released!This evening Hump released his latest map. It is entitled Thunder and is a 2 team CTF map. This map is fairly large and provides many interesting paths to the flag. Looks great Hump! If you would like to download it click here. The map is currently running on the Smurfbot server.
November 22nd, 1998Paintball MassacreThe Body Theif is hosting a new tournament for Digital Paint. It is called Paintball Massacre and will be held monthly and possibly weekly if their is enought interest. The tournament will be a 2 on 2 event held on smaller maps for Digital Paint. If you are interested in the tournament visit the page here. The first tourney will be held on Saturday at 9:30 PM. Don't miss it!
Sandtrap!Goldbond has just completed his newest creation Sand Trap. This map is totally different then any other Digital Paint map due to the fact that it is played in the sand. You can download Sand Trap here. It will be added to the files section soon. Great work Goldbond keep it up!
November 21st, 1998Animated GIFI found this animated gif of warhouse over on the QI message board. It was posted by Shreds so I assume he made it. If so good job man. However it was a bit big =). It was 600k, I was able to optimize it some, and delete every other frame and make it 244k. If you want to check it out click here for the small version and here for the unedited much better looking version. Thanks again to Shreds. And also to Rain for the great image he made for POTD.
November 19th, 1998New Servers!Recently a few new Digital Paint servers have popped up. Fembot is now hosting the Smurfbot server at and Pearlslam is hosting a server at You can see all of the Digital Paint Servers on the Server Page. Thankyou to Pearlslam and Fembot for hosting Digital Paint.
Halflife Is Out!Its been anticipated... for longer than i remember.Its been hyped to death.Its better than you can imagine.Its the best game ever made...ITS HALFLIFE!  Go get it. Its in the stores (some of em).  And yes, DP has been toying with the idea of a HL paintball for months.  All we gotta do is see how everything fits. So go get HL now, and play on HARD. =)  GET TO IT!

News Archive
October `98 - September `98
August `98 - July `98
POTD Archive